2013-11-17 - Neighborhood Recovery Run

^z 15th January 2023 at 7:54am

~3.3 miles @ ~9.6 min/mi

Sunday evening, time to test the feet after yesterday's 2013-11-16 - MCRRC Stone Mill 50 Mile Race — set off fast, then pause to photograph a crepuscular buck by Forsythe Av just inside the Beltway near Rock Creek. Press the pace up the Mormon Temple hill along Stonybrook St, and head home via Capitol View, trotting along the narrow shoulder and fearing cars. Splits by Garmin GPS (which records a more conservative 3.32 mi than Runkeeper) are 9:07 (downhill warmup) + 11:21 (deer photos and Mormon Temple hill climb) + 9:37 (making up time downhill again) + final fragment at 9:11 min/mi pace.

^z - 2013-12-11